Straw Hat Samurai: Duels Wiki


Runedude is well known for his love for buckets and the tendency to say "oof" whenever he is defeated .Not a lot is known of his mysterious disappearance back in 2015 and his

sudden re-appearance in Jan 12,2018. Unfortunately in the year 2020, players were greeted with a message saying that the game is no longer operational, meaning that playing it is not possible anymore. Thank you to everyone who reads this, I appreciate all the people who spent time reading my in-character boigraphy and I hope you are able to declutter the mess that is this wiki's front page.God bless you all and have a nice time surfing the internet for all it is worth.


Runedude was nothing more than another person looked

over by the more prominent members of his clan.He did

not possess any extraordinary ability or talent,he does

however has an unusual interest in buckets that cover his

face.Often getting put in side duties such as watching

the castle,he was left with only his buckets to leave him

busy and occupied.

The Aoi Hoiru--Aka Ryu wars*[]

After the fued between Aloshka(third Aoi leader) and Tatsuo(third Aka leader)

broke out, Runedude was put into the front lines as a

foot soldier.From there gained he more experience

with fighting, but still lacking the skill of an

experienced swordsman. After being sent

to participate in a battle concerning the territories

of Ryumiya(52,20),Toshino(52,21),Michikawa(52,22); Runedude

was never heard from again.People assumed he was dead

for a long time.Until one day,he rose up from the dead with

the last item he was carrying:a bucket with holes in it.

The New World( Runedude's awakening)[]

After waking up to an entirely new era, he was curious to know about what happened after the years of his disappearance. But to no avail,he learned that all of his commanding officers are now dead and that the new leader of the clan is AK90; a wizard he has never heard about.Now left with no official authority to command him,he set out on a quest to find whatever remaining person from his past is still living or now dead;finding answers to why things came to be.


Adventures of the new world during his quests on the New World,Runedude has stumbled into many interesting scenarios along the way. the Shadow Realm(not to be confused with the "other world")* after hearing a rumor from locals that a certain graveyard is able to give people the power to harness the earth as a weapon,Runedude


directly went and searched for this site. After discovering it,he shortly after passed out;unable to move or wake up from the trance. He then woke up to a completely different world,one very much unknown to him or to anyone who never

heard from it before.


It is from there he learned more about how to fight and even harnessed the full ability of earth.When he suddenly woke up,he noticed that his skin had become pale to the point that people would mistake him as a living corpse.

Uknown imitator*[]

while searching the ruins for more clues on his next quest,he encountered a rather uncannylookalike of his own image.He asked a few questions at him,but got no response as he was just standing in the other side,as if he was a mirror.


Being creeped out by this,Runedude decided to go to a town and catch his senses for a bit. After spending a night in one of the inns,he was approached by an old man who warns him of a dangerous ruin nearby which is known for all sorts of disappearances ranging from travellers to neighbors of their own town.Intruiged by what he heard, he went back to the nearby ruin he left earlier to find out more about this.Once he entered,he was greeted by a horde of various dead samurai;all of which fell in the hands of whatever took hold on the ruin.He defeated all the dead inside and rid the ruin of the evil being's presence.


A friend from the past*[]

Longing for questions to whether his old friends are still alive, Runedude decided to take a break from his adventures and went back to finding more about what happened to them.



After some weeks of searching,Runedude was drained and almost about to quit his plan to find them.Out of some luck ,he was bumped by a young child named "yoko".Runedude asked whether cooliegriffie was still around or if he had moved to another location.The girl said yes,but only because of a story dating all the way back from 321 years ago.Yoko told him that there was once a man who arrived in their town that helped them resist the Aka.He was fierce and brave and through his wit,he helped the town deter these would-be conquerers.However because of his courage,his life was taken away as a result.After being told by yoko that a statue was erected in his honor,Runedude paid his respects by leaving a basket filled with fish and potatoes:the items he gave to Runedude whenever Runedude was hungry.

***Ending Genesis***[]


in the year 2020, the four factions found themselves in the midst of a war once again. But this time,all that was left is death and destruction for all who participated in this final massive war


Runedude wandering in the dojo for the last time

. Many of the samurai's used their ability with careless glee, shaking the earth, ripping the fabric of space, and ultimately leading to the doom of all. Being a man sick of conflict, Runedude did not participate in this final battle, leaving him safe along with an insignificant amount of remnants. He laid witness as the longest surviving faction "Ki Kensu" fall into collapse under the weight of war as well as Runedude's own clan "Aoi Hoiru". This final war marks the end of Runedude's life as a samurai and with nothing left to stand for,he decides to leave the archipelago of Japan altogether, searching the lands of beyond for a new purpose and beginning.He searches the dojo one last time to see if any remaining members are still there. Unfortunately, Runedude turns out to be right, it is all but a reminder of the past now. As a final farewell, he leaves behind his legendary bucket head in a dojo on the northern tip of japan, hoping that a day will come where life and order will be restored again.


Runedude conversing with another remnant samurai before departing away from the archipelago


panel 1


panel 2


panel 3


panel 4

A four picture panel of Runedude's final moments as a samurai
